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DZ Service
for cooperative finance group

CRM solution for banks

DZ Service was looking for a customer management solution for banks. Particularly important criteria: IT security and offline capability. GEDYS IntraWare CRM met the strict requirements.

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DZ Service is an integrated service provider for document-based payment transactions and the processing of other documents in the banking business. As a subsidiary of Equens AG, it is part of comprehensive solutions in the transaction business of banks. Since the company was founded in 1995, DZ Service GmbH has always taken a leading position in the implementation of market and technical requirements of customers.

Today, more than 400 banks use the diverse and flexible range of services offered by DZ Service. DZ Service is thus one of the largest service providers in this segment.

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Banking & Finance





“Since we started using GEDYS IntraWare CRM, finding and maintaining our customer data has become much easier and faster, which benefits all employees. We can find all important information securely and quickly.”

Ulrich Riegger, DZ Service, Managing Director

Customermanagement solution at DZ Service
with IT security and offline capability

GEDYS IntraWare CRM met the strict requirements


  • Replacing an unmaintained CRM solution with a standard IBM Notes solution
  • Fast start without complex adjustments
  • Mapping of product closings, measures and product histories
  • Integration of Notes Mail and Calendar
  • Central appointment and task management
  • Integration into the telephone system as an option


  • Introduction of GEDYS IntraWare CRM, customer management solution for banks
  • Easy implementation of individual requirements even in a standard product
  • The complete customer history in one system
  • Central overview of all appointments in GEDYS IntraWare Schedule
  • Offline access through IBM Notes replication possible
  • Security through the proven IBM Notes security mechanisms