Litens – Delivering Innovation
Workflows for shorter turnaround times
The workflow management of GEDYS IntraWare creates a smooth process for more than 1400 invoices and credits per month.

Litens Automotive Group is a full-service provider and manufacturer of technical power transmission systems and components. As an established global market leader with over 25 years of experience, Litens has extensive experience in providing innovative, technical solutions for automotive power transmission.
The company has locations in France, UK, Canada, China, Brazil. The up-and-coming company was looking for a solution for optimizing the processes surrounding the processing of invoices and credit memos. The aim was to solve numerous challenges in workflow management.

“With the introduction of GEDYS IntraWare’s workflow management solution, the processes could be optimized in a measurable and sustainable manner.”
Markus Heinl, IT Department, Litens Automotive GmbH, Gelnhausen
New workflow management at Litens
Smooth processes with GEDYS IntraWare CRM
Condition before the tool is introduced
- 1400 – 1600 incoming invoices and credit memos per month
- Different approvers per department and supplier
- Long turnaround times from receipt to approval of invoices
- Delays in the absence of approving persons
- A continuous process from the preparation of an invoice to the archiving is missing
- No transparency as to which bill is left where, why or for how long
Improvements after implementation
- Connection to easyScan, thus considerably simplifying invoice entry
- Partially automatic assignment of the approvers based on corresponding master data of the ERP system
- Reduction of lead time by up to 30% (depending on the department)
- Bereitstellung des Freigabeprotokolls und der Eckdaten zur späteren Archivierung der Rechnung
- Transparency significantly increased in the approval process