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7 tips for CRM managers

Download white paper & harness hidden customer data

The goal of this white paper: If you know the buying behavior of your customers, you can create suitable offers and thus increase the sales of your company.

Title for white paper 7 insider tips for CRM manager from GEDYS IntraWare
Title for white paper 7 insider tips for CRM manager from GEDYS IntraWare
  • 7 tips for CRM managers from practice, compiled briefly & succinctly
  • Shows how you can use information left by your customers
  • Guidance on identifying the needs and preferences of your customers
  • Forms the basis for targeted & personal customer approaches

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Guarantee logo: GEDYS IntraWare data protection according to GDPR, long version

Get important impulses for a better customer approach

Whenever a customer contacts you, they leave behind inconspicuous but valuable information that can have a decisive impact on the success of your marketing efforts. For example, information on click behavior, orders or support requests.

This data can be used to identify your customers’ needs, preferences and buying behavior. To turn this data into a gold mine, it must first be tracked down and then recovered.

In the second step, they are put into an organized form with the help of your CRM system, and then connections are made between information and processes. This creates a clear customer image.

  1. Identify and expand potential points of contact
  2. Where do you want to go and how?
    (Marketing measures and goals)
  3. Ensure acceptance within your own company
  4. Talk is silver, data is gold
  5. Marketing autopilot
  6. The customer in 360° view
  7. Make the success of marketing campaigns easy to measure