Support for social institution in Fulda
The world has been going crazy for the last few months. New situations required new ways. In addition to everything new that we had to adjust to, there were facilities that continued to do great work during this time. So also the association child and youth hospice small heroes east Hessen registered association.
We are impressed by the versatile and strong work and would like to support the volunteers as well as the facility again. They care for children and adolescents with illnesses, their siblings and parents, as well as all people who have a relationship with them. They are accompanied at home, in familiar surroundings or in hospitals by the qualified helpers.
3,000 € for children’s and youth hospice Kleine Helden Osthessen e.V.
“Social commitment is currently more important than ever. We would like to support the people who give themselves unconditionally to others. Thank you for the great work!”
Joachim Weber, Managing Director of GEDYS IntraWare.
If you want to support this great project and the good cause behind it, you can do so easily with an online donation here.