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GEDYS IntraWare CRM for Service and IT

CRM for Service & IT 1
CRM für die Automobil-Industrie, Foto eines E-Concept-Cars, GEDYS IntraWare
white arrow points from top to bottom right
white arrow points from top to bottom right


Provide perfect customer service for loyal customers who will recommend you to others and remain loyal to you for a long time.

without obligation and free of charge


With GEDYS IntraWare CRM for Service & IT you manage your entire planning process. You make your customer service more successful by providing your employees with all the information about customers and their requests. And in such a way that they can also be viewed while on the move. Your team becomes more productive and solves jobs faster at the customer site. This not only saves time, but also sustainably increases customer satisfaction.

Optimal use of resources

Use the skills database to find the best employee for a task. Organize perfect service appointments with the service calendar, proximity search and route planner.

Work according to proven method

Define an approach model in the sense of an editing process with the right questions and answers.

Putting the focus on customer satisfaction

The CRM provides you with all information about the customer at any time. So that it can be operated individually.

Create analyses and forecasts

Analytical CRM submits numbers and trends as a basis for your decisions to improve customer satisfaction.

free of charge and without obligation

Access current ticket overview at any time

By storing all ticket data centrally, it no longer matters which channel the customer uses to contact you. You have the latest data at any time, from any device.

Please click on the image to enlarge.

“Our daily work would not be possible without the
CRM system from GEDYS IntraWare is no longer imaginable.”

Richard Hörmann, Director Customer Support of Hurco Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH


With these features for optimized processes

Today’s customers demand a seamless, positive customer experience. To do this, you need a networked overall picture of all data on purchased products, contracts and documents. GEDYS IntraWare CRM for Service & IT gives you the transparency you need. You can track the entire customer journey from prospective customer to loyal customer. Optimally informed, you can also approach your customers in a targeted manner. They create perfect services and ensure quick responses to complaints and claims.

The 360° overview

  • Customer inquiries, complaints and claims are managed centrally and stored with all data and documents from support, customer service, sales and marketing.
  • As an optimally informed employee, you can react empathetically: The more intensively you can respond to the customer, the greater their satisfaction.


  • Automated workflows in particular, but also visit suggestions, follow-ups or escalations accelerate your service processes.
  • You will automatically receive updates on customers, projects, inquiries or solutions via a news feed subscription.
  • The“CRM colleague” informs you about the activities associated with a customer or project.

Manage tickets

  • Customer requests via websites, social media or email receive immediate confirmation with ticket number & contact person. An initial feedback that pleases the customer.
  • In the CRM for Service and IT, all relevant information is available to process the ticket, including information about your employees and their deadlines.
  • With the click of a button, you can send a summary of the problem and actions to resolve it.
CRM for Service and IT: 360 degree overview on laptop, GEDYS-IntraWare
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Planning of the field service

  • The Dispatch Cockpit displays all tickets. As well as all service employees including their skills, free appointments and proximity to a customer.
  • At a glance, you can see which employee can be assigned to which case. You simply enter customer appointments, including reminders.
  • Appointment surveys via the Internet shorten the time it takes to find appointments with customers.
  • Escalation management ensures that no ticket is forgotten.

Customer Center

  • After logging in, customers can submit new requests or view the processing status of existing ones.
  • Integrated knowledge management helps 24×7 self-help.

Gain insights

  • Dashboards help you figure out what you need to improve. What are the problems? What improvements are we want? For perfect service management.


On site and on the move at any time via smartphone

Expand the mobility of customer care with the connection of CRM and CRM app. This means you always have 100% of your data and practical knowledge with you, no matter where you are. Even without a network connection!

Process tickets on the go with the CRM app

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Mobile CRM App: Tickets, GEDYS IntraWare
Mobile CRM App: Tickets, GEDYS IntraWare

The top five benefits of the CRM app:

  • Log calls, process tickets and view all relevant project data for on-site order processing. Also from inventory, contract or knowledge documents
  • Always be well informed about caller ID and 360° overview of the customer or service provider
  • Efficient tour planning with the help of area search and route planning
  • Save time with voice input, business card scan and file upload on the go
  • Quickly create visit reports by voice input

You can download the CRM app for testing including demo data in the
App Store or Play Store download.


with the Dispatch Cockpit in CRM for Service & IT

Assigning work orders to your service team is a complex process. Information about the service case, but also proximity to the customer, skills and workload of the employees must be considered. With the new Dispatch Cockpit, the planning process can be perfectly coordinated via a convenient, easy-to-use user interface with drag-and-drop functionality.

Video: Service management
Video: Service management

4 info sources in one view:

  1. Which servcie tickets are to be scheduled?
  2. Which employee has the necessary skills?
  3. Which employee is geographically closest to the customer?
  4. Which appointments do the employees already have?

A ticket is “transferred” to the planning calendar of the corresponding employee via drag & drop. This will be informed by email.

See more in the Service Management video.


Ensures quick help and good-humored colleagues

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GEDYS IntraWare CRM for Service & IT manages all incoming user requests and hands them over to free helpdesk staff.
If desired, the assignment is made according to the respective skills of your employees.

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Professional tracking gives support staff an accurate overview of past history, such as problems already resolved by an employee, information provided by other employees, or inventory at the workstation.

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Helpdesk support can be provided either by telephone, via email or with the help of software (for example, via remote maintenance, live support system or even video conference).

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Change management supports the entire process when changes are made to the infrastructure: from planning to approval, implementation, and control to documentation of the process.

Discover the benefits of GEDYS IntraWare CRM software now!

Currently only available in German. The English version will follow later.

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short arrow in orange points down to the right
Titelseite zur Broschüre CRM-Software 8.14 von GEDYS IntraWare
Titelseite zur Broschüre CRM-Software 8.14 von GEDYS IntraWare

Form to download the brochure

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Guarantee logo: GEDYS IntraWare data protection according to GDPR
Guarantee logo: GEDYS IntraWare data protection according to GDPR