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CRM for the automotive industry

CRM for the automotive industry, e-concept car, GEDYS IntraWare
CRM for the automotive industry, e-concept car, GEDYS IntraWare
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white arrow points from top to bottom right


Increase productivity, create scope for innovation & secure market share

without obligation and free of charge


Because the most significant transformation in history requires new concepts

New markets, new competitors and changed business structures require new supplier strategies, new cooperations and the development of new business areas. Comprehensive digitization is therefore becoming a significant factor. In the automotive sector, digitalization usually focuses on two areas: digitalization in cars and those in production. At the same time, it is equally important to digitize your processes to customers and suppliers in order to remain competitive.

The rapid development of new technologies is pushing the automotive industry to invest more and more in research and development. Because only with innovative products is it possible to hold your own against competitors. The market is currently trending strongly in the direction of the connected car, which necessitates decisive changes not only in production, but also in your approach to customers and agreements with suppliers.

With GEDYS IntraWare CRM for the automotive industry, you always communicate accurately – even internationally.

The 360° view of your business partners

The rapid development of innovations is accompanied by ever higher customer expectations. This makes it all the more important to have a complete view of the supplier, the customer and the relevant knowledge about them: from purchasing, marketing and sales to service. This creates satisfied and loyal business relationships.

Supplier Relationship Management in Purchasing

Ordering processes with the corresponding supply chains are often complex and cross-site. Your centrally stored purchasing data is worth its weight in gold (including customer contracts, supplier evaluations and clear order, warehouse and item management). Because this gives you a very good overview of your suppliers, you avoid bottlenecks and delays. A big advantage in a competitive market.

Reaching customers in person

Addressing customers personally and emotionally is becoming increasingly important, especially in the automotive industry. Whether you are a manufacturer, supplier or distributor. With integrated marketing automations, you will be able to address your customers in an even more targeted manner in the future and hit them right in the heart.

Smooth authorization management

Particularly when working with various cooperation partners, it pays to live up to the trust of customers through transparent structures and seamless documentation. Smooth management of access authorizations and release processes of any kind by our CRM for automotive & suppliers, gives your data and thus you the necessary security.

Clear processes and efficient processes

Uniform data management and clearly structured processes ensure time-saving workflows and smooth processes. This will provide your employees with more time for the customer’s wishes or negotiations with suppliers. Leave laborious administrative work to the left.


With CRM for the automotive industry, you reduce the administrative effort from application to proof of use

Please click on the image to enlarge.

According to the VDA, the most important key to continuing to hold your own in international competition is your innovations. That is why you will have to increase your research and development efforts and expenditures considerably in the future. But the bureaucratic requirements for public funding are immense.

Please click on the logos for more information.

GEDYS IntraWare customer reference: SD Automotive logo
GEDYS IntraWare customer reference: SD Automotive logo
Kundenrefrenz-Logo, Litens Automotive-Group
Kundenrefrenz-Logo, Litens Automotive-Group


Our CRM for the automotive industry provides you with the central information basis for distinctive communication and cooperation with your business partners. Efficient processes increase productivity and create scope for innovation. You generate leads and qualify new prospects. SRM and CRM functions such as appointment overviews, reminders, tasks, serial tasks or workflows with forwarding ensure perfect teamwork throughout the company. This increases the number of successfully completed projects: more effective workflows give employees more time to focus on their core tasks.

For process optimizations and cross-system analyses, it is crucial to be able to connect additional systems via interfaces and integrations. Thanks to the JDBC or SAP interface, CRM users can access delivery bills, invoices, open items, evaluation reports or R&D data, for example. You can also use our e-mail integration for Outlook, Notes and all IMAP mailboxes.

  • Work from all devices via Internet browser
  • 100 GDPR compliant
  • neither purchase additional technology nor service
  • include Contacts, Office, Schedule, Workflow, Business Mail, CTI, Social & CRM app modules
  • CRM app including offline editing
  • additional modules can be booked
  • secure hosting for CRM IT infrastructure
    (Server including administration & backup)
  • without maturity limit
  • included languages: English and German
  • from 69 Euro per month per user (package from 10 users)
  • annual billing, minimum term 24 months
  • Adaptations according to individual requirements possible
Video: CRM software brief insight
Video: CRM software brief insight

Please set the English subtitles for the video.

We offer industry know-how and individual industry solutions. Register now for the CRM Tour.

Ihr Ansprechpartner Inside Sales bei GEDYS IntraWare: Oliver Niedner
Ihr Ansprechpartner Inside Sales bei GEDYS IntraWare: Oliver Niedner

Oliver Niedner
Inside Sales

TEL: +49 531 123 868 420

E-MAIL: Get in touch

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Guarantee logo: GEDYS IntraWare data protection according to GDPR
Guarantee logo: GEDYS IntraWare data protection according to GDPR