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Discontinuation HCL Domino Notes 9 and 10

HCL has announced the end for marketing and support of the obsolete HCL Domino Notes 9 and 10 products.

End of marketing: HCL will stop selling the product versions to HCL Domino Notes 9 and 10 and remove them from the HCL License and Download Portal (FlexNet) effective December 1, 2022.

End of Support: HCL will discontinue support for these versions on June 1, 2024. Customers with current entitlements will continue to have access to the latest software versions of Domino and Notes to support their ongoing customer upgrades.

Extended support: due to the age of these versions, HCL will not provide extended support for these specific product versions.

Why you should upgrade?

Upgrading your HCL Domino Notes 9 and 10 versions allows you to take advantage of extensive new features, secure video conferencing, and reduce security risks from outdated operating system versions. Read our blog article including a flyer on what’s new inHCL Domino 12.

For a direct, fast and easy upgrade of your Domino and Notes, HCL Digital Solutions provides comprehensive information including demos with Domino v12 Upgrade Guide. It also gives you the choice of deploying HCL Domino environment on-premise, hybrid or in the cloud with cloud-native capabilities.

We support you

If you have questions about upgtrade and / or a hosted Domino environment, please contact our HCL Notes Domino specialists directly

What’s next for HCL Domino? Stay informed via our HCL blog.

If you have any questions, please contact our specialists in the HCL Notes Domino Service Team!
