Headquarter relocation to Fulda
The software manufacturer GEDYS IntraWare GmbH considers the headquarter relocation to Fulda as a strategic step. More here.
Social commitment in the region
Support for social institutions is currently more important than ever. Monetary donation to the Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Osthessen e.V.
Current situation – In times of Corona virus
For the times of the Corona virus, we have also taken measures for the protection of our employees, customers, partners and society. Find out more here.
Donations instead of gifts – GEDYS IntraWare supports Kleine Helden 2019
GEDYS IntraWare GmbH donates to the hospice “Kleine Helden” in East Hesse for Christmas.
How we as a company contribute to climate protection
We alone cannot stop climate change, but everyone can do a great deal to protect the climate in their own environment.
Donations instead of gifts – GEDYS IntraWare supports DKMS in 2017
Instead of presents, the company has decided to help with a donation to the organization DKMS in your fight against blood cancer.
New sales function of GEDYS IntraWare: Customer Journey Monitoring
With the current software release GEDYS IntraWare 8.10, the company releases a new type of sales function. Find out more!
Awarded as Top Innovator 2017
GEDYS IntraWare GmbH is one of the innovation leaders of German medium-sized businesses this year and convinced the jury as Top Innovator 2017 with agile innovation processes.
GEDYS IntraWare GmbH was again awarded the Innovation Award IT 2018 by the Initiative Mittelstand for its innovation content in the category “CRM”.