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CRM and Collaboration Tools

How easy it is to connect tools to your CRM – CRM and Collaboration Tools

Good cooperation is everything – especially when it comes to projects. In times when we are moving further and further apart physically and at the same time need to network ever better, productive collaboration can become a real challenge. Simple project tools are now the last resort for many. But the range of such tools is vast, and every employee and team has their own preferences when it comes to organization. However, the tool must work seamlessly with existing CRM software. It is not easy to find a common denominator for all employees. Or?

Integration is the key

Exactly: Integration is the key word here. And fortunately, today it is becoming easier and easier to integrate different CRM and collaboration tools with each other. This means that nothing stands in the way of collaboration across company or team (and therefore tool) boundaries. Platform tools such as Make (formerly Integromat) enable the simplest exchange of data through a variety of interfaces to the most diverse applications. Among these platform tools, Make is considered the recommended solution for professional use according to EU-DSGVO.

For project management, this means: No matter whether you prefer to work exclusively with the company’s internal CRM and other company or team members rather with tools such as Trello, Asana or Monday – in any case, you come to a common denominator! With Make, you integrate any tool with your CRM software for optimal data transfer. Partly without programming, you can also create simple to more complex workflows and automations that relieve you of manual tasks in the project process.

Work with the tool of your choice

So let’s say your company’s marketing team prefers to organize themselves through a Trello board because they like to take advantage of the cards and lists view that this tool offers. Of course, it cannot do without the figures and information of the sales team. Programming new functions a la Trello into an existing CRM software is not done quickly.

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But if the CRM software is optimized for collaboration with Make via an API, it is easy to create an interface between your CRM and e.g. Make. Make Trello. In both directions, data can be transferred here between a project created in CRM and the Trello board of the marketing team.

And it does so in a variety of ways – here are a few examples:

  • A new project is created and automatically creates a corresponding board or list in Trello.
  • An update in the CRM project, e.g. to the project details like a deadline, automatically creates a new card in the Trello board. Conversely, an update is sent from the Trello board to the CRM.
  • When a certain observed number in CRM, e.g. project budget, slips below a certain value, a card is created in the Trello board.
  • A project deadline has been exceeded and a card with the corresponding message is automatically displayed in Trello.
  • And much more.

Using if-then commands, you can link pretty much any action on one side of the interface to a specific action on the other. This makes it much easier to keep track of certain key points of the project and takes over certain checks quite automatically.

Last but not least, working with team members from outside the company who would not even have the opportunity to access the internal CRM system becomes child’s play. The internal team then works in the CRM project, for example, while the external team colleagues access the Trello board. Both parties can find the relevant information at any moment and collaborate easily. Every update is reported in real time – even via e-mail notification if desired.

Boundless cooperation

Discover CRM and collaboration tools compactly in the video

If we stick to the example of Make, there is an almost endless list of ways to integrate CRM and collaboration tools. So workflow doesn’t have to stop with Trello, and can include many more applications, from analytics or banking to email and social media to e-commerce and on and on.

Especially in times of widespread remote working, comprehensive integrations of CRM and collaboration tools that bring all relevant information together in one place can save a lot of time, nerves and certainly the one or other video call with child or cat in the background.

How to extend your CRM effortlessly. Take the example of “Trello and CRM” to see how you can connect numerous third-party systems to your CRM software with the help of the Make (formerly Integromat) automation tool.

Video: Anbindung von Dritt-Systemen an das CRM
Video: Anbindung von Dritt-Systemen an das CRM