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Teamwork, synergy, customer satisfaction: This is what CRM with project management brings

Customer relationship management (CRM) supports sales and marketing. This is how classic CRM definitions put it, or something similar. However, this view falls short of the mark. Especially when it comes to highly individualized products, project management and sales can benefit equally – in the sense of a seamless customer journey. What other benefits does CRM with project management offer? Be inspired by the possibilities.

CRM as interface between project management & sales

Starting from a traditional separation of roles, sales and project management have few points of contact. In fact, friction often occurs in practice. On one side is sales, which focuses on customer satisfaction and revenue. On the other hand, project management focuses on the project itself.

A lack of networking poses several risks – CRM systems can solve them:

Delayed deliveries:

Unclear requirements lead to the project management having to contact the customer again. This delays processing, while at the same time interrupting the feeling of a seamless customer journey on the part of the customer.


A comprehensive CRM system enables project management and sales to work together even before the project starts (i.e., before the contract is signed). GEDYS IntraWare offers, for example, the possibility to add team members with one click and to define roles and authorizations. In addition, all information is centrally collected and available to the departments.

Unrealistic expectations:

It is in the nature of the department that the sales team wants to meet all customer needs. Unrealistic goal setting makes successful project management impossible and raises expectations that cannot be realized.


By involving project management in the sales process at an early stage, you achieve a customer- and project-oriented proposal preparation. Possible risks can thus be avoided even before the actual project start.

Incorrect focus:

The more independently project management has to work, the further the project can move away from the desired optimum. This increases internal costs and makes the project unprofitable in case of doubt.


A CRM system in project management promotes communication with other departments as well as with external stakeholders. In addition, information is available transparently so that your teams are always aware of the current processing status and requirements.

Project work is diverse and so many more individual examples could be found of how a CRM combines project management and sales. The decisive feature is ultimately always the seamless communication between the two departments, from which they mutually benefit. And with them, the entire company: A powerful CRM with project management increases efficiency, harnesses synergies, and boosts productivity.

A look at the details: the role of CRM in project management

At what point is CRM software integrated into project management? There is not only one connection between the two applications. In fact, the potential benefits of a CRM solution extend across all phases of project management, as the following overview shows.


Project definition is immediate and digital with the right CRM software in project management. For example, use GEDYS IntraWare to define who is responsible as project manager:in and which teams are involved. All further steps can be managed, viewed and evaluated via the initially created project


The planning phase can be comprehensively managed with CRM software for project management. For example, create schedules, a work calendar, and track project progress. GEDYS IntraWare uses a traffic light function for this: for a clear statement at first glance. In addition, project managers can assemble their team, define milestones and create a Gantt chart during the planning phase (please click on the image to enlarge).

Good to know:

  • Gantt charts visualize the entire project plan in one diagram.
  • Horizontal bars map the schedule, while the different tasks are arranged along the Y-axis.
  • This makes it much easier to coordinate work and meet schedules.
  • In addition, you can see the critical path: The longest tasks carry the highest risk for delays.
  • Visualization creates awareness of critical tasks among your teams, and the project management plan can provide additional motivation in this regard.


The actual product is created during implementation. Particularly in the case of offers that are strongly tailored to individual customer requirements, a CRM tool shows its full strength in project management. For example, track project progress and easily generate reports. In addition, all the information is collected. With the previously defined permissions, all team members effortlessly access the data they need for their work. In this way, the software ensures planning reliability, transparency and efficiency.

Keyword synergies: In the implementation phase, sales and project management benefit equally. This allows the sales team to gain important insights about the customer, for example, to identify new sales opportunities or to provide an even better experience for the customer.


In terms of project completion, the experience gained is particularly important for customer relationship management. They contain valuable insights to make projects even easier and more efficient for customers in the future. Via the tool, these experiences can be stored and managed centrally. This information in turn enriches the CRM in sales.

Does GEDYS IntraWare meet your requirements for a modern CRM tool with project management? Get your own insight into the effortless navigation, the optimized sales planning and the numerous functions for mobile working – our CRM tour is free of charge for you.

More efficiency to combat skills shortages and resource constraints

The previous sections have explained how CRM supports project management and sales. However, the benefits for the company are even more profound. As a result of global political developments and the situation on the labor markets, many companies today are confronted with a problematic shortage of resources. Here, too, a CRM implementation offers relief for project management and sales.

Skills shortage & resource conservation thanks to CRM

The problem of the shortage of skilled workers is often reduced to a single solution: hiring new staff. However, this is exactly what is hard to find. Another option is to make work more efficient and automate processes or avoid redundant activities. This frees up existing capacities in the company.

How does this work in practice? A CRM tool for project management already supports you in resource planning. For example, check which resources are currently being utilized and where there is free capacity. In addition, you clearly assign tasks so that multiple teams are not working on a project section at the same time. At the same time, you have powerful digital support to use resources efficiently. Project-centered work with GEDYS IntraWare makes it possible, among other things, to send mails directly to participants and to arrange appointments.

CRM with project management including resource planning (please click on the image to enlarge).

What can CRM software with project management do?

Some functions of CRM project management have already been addressed. Here you can see an overview of the most important features.

  • Resource planning
    Via the tool, you can see free capacities and identify efficient project paths. In addition, you plan for the long term and thus gain more security in personnel deployment. In this way, a CRM in project management also prevents delays.
  • Automation
    Especially in large projects, there are often recurring tasks – even with a high degree of individualization of the product. With the appropriate automation functions, CRM software helps to greatly accelerate recurring work steps.
  • Milestones
    Milestones have two important functions. First, they help to structure the project. Second, achieved milestones provide direct feedback on project progress – and last but not least, they ensure motivated teams.
  • Reports
    Reports allow you and your project managers to keep track of work status at all times. In addition, the reports help to handle projects even more efficiently in the future and to learn as a company.
  • Project files
    Via the project file, you and your teams have a central data repository where all information about the customer and the project is bundled. Depending on the defined role, there are different permissions so that everyone gets the information they need.
  • Teamwork
    Straightforward group communication between project management, sales and marketing supports teamwork within the company. The possibilities range from sending project-centric mail to scheduling meetings with just a few clicks.
  • Settlements
    Another useful function of CRM in project management is time tracking. On the one hand, it shows how resource-intensive the project is. On the other hand, the tool enables uncomplicated billing directly from the dashboard.

Which CRM with project management fits your needs?

Find out! We have created a checklist to help you determine your requirements for CRM software step by step. This way you can compare up to three providers and find the tool that offers you all the benefits you want. Here you can also read more about the GEDYS IntraWare CRM release 8.13 with project management.

Conclusion: A project management CRM offers a number of advantages

These start with a clear project overview and extend to work planning and invoicing. In addition, the software enables greater networking between the various departments for successful teamwork: deadlines are met, information is available transparently, and collaboration can begin as early as the quotation preparation stage to define realistic expectations and schedules. In short, with CRM and project management software, you leverage efficiency gains at every stage.


What is CRM software for project management?

CRM software for project management is a tool with multiple functions. Typically, it includes resource scheduling, management options, visualizations, and group communication. Other possible features include project files, dashboards, milestones and automations. A holistic CRM software for project management should help to handle projects successfully, to work more efficiently and to use synergies between sales and project management.

Is CRM and project management the same thing?

CRM and project management are usually not the same thing. CRM stands for customer relationship management and is intended to cover the entire relationship between a company and its customers. CRM software is often used by sales and marketing. However, it also has many advantages for project management, provided that appropriate functions are integrated. Then CRM can be a very important part of project management.

What is CRM with project management?

CRM in project management extends the classic CRM functions to product creation. Among other things, management enables resources to be planned intelligently and synergy effects to be exploited. In addition, many CRM software solutions have other project management features such as reporting, billing, and information delivery.